At Black Rose, we prioritize your safety and hygiene. That's why we use Stiletto brand hollow needles for all of our piercing services.

All needles are sterilized, single use and are safely disposed of immediately after use.

We work primarily with sterilized, single-use, disposable tools. For the few tools that are not disposable, they are run through an intensive sterilization process. They’re placed into an enzymatic solution to soak, put through our Ultrasonic Cleaner, then set out to dry. Once fully dried, they’re placed into our steam autoclave and run through a sterilization cycle with a 30 minute dry time. Finally, they are sealed inside individual packages, placed back into the autoclave for another sterilization cycle, and are stored in closed drawers for dust prevention.

What is an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Glad you asked! It is a cleaning device that transmits ultrasound (high-frequency) waves through a solvent to agitate it. The agitation creates microscopic bubbles, which implode when they reach a certain size in order to “shake” debris off soiled items. Simply put; the bubbles created by the sound waves scrub clean the surface of the objects that are submerged.

Okay... then what is an Autoclave?

Another great question! An autoclave is a machine with a steel chamber that uses a combination of high temperatures and steam under pressure to destroy any microorganisms, and bacterial spores inside—leaving us with fully sterilized tools, ready to go.

Our Autoclave gets spore tested by a provincial lab to ensure its effectiveness in sterilization. All spore test results are readily available in studio to view. Ask us if you’d like to take a look, we’d be happy to show you!